Location: Zoom, 7:00 PM ET/6:00 PM CT/ 5:00 PM MT/4:00 PM PT
(Arranged with the assistance of the Rocky Mountain Map Society; sponsored in partnership with California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies)
Searching for a simple answer to a naive question lead Loberger on a personal and professional journey. The intent to discover a road uncovered a path that will lead researchers to better appreciate and predict where transportation infrastructure once existed. The key lies in improving our understanding of the testimony presented by the cartographic witnesses of any inquiry. While historic maps were drawn for specific, and often limited, purposes; he stumbled upon strategies to convince these documents to share more information than they were ever intended to disclose. The lessons shared in his story are less about new ways of reading old maps than simply learning how to listen to them.
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